Dear Parents, Guardian and Students,
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
Nelson Mandela
Education is a process that shapes a child not just academically but helps a child to grow social skills that govern the child’s interaction with other aspects of life. It is a process of equipping a child with the requisite skills, abilities and confidence to withstand the challenges of life.
As an educational institution we acknowledge the responsibility to shape the future of the world. At Heera Kunwar Sr. Sec. School, we take a collaborative and futuristic approach to ensure a holistic learning experience. We lay emphasis on academic and co-curricular activities to hone the talent of a child and allow the students to excel in the chosen field. We place great importance in the soft skills i.e. listening, speaking and interacting abilities of a child and strive to imbibe values such as empathy, honesty, compassion, modesty, justness, etc. in our students.
We, at Heera Kunwar Sr. Sec. School, are committed to high standards of teaching and ensure that our students receive the best education.
Warm wishes
Mrs. Nirmala Bisht
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